About Us

Welcome to Lit With A Sip (Literature with a Sip), your go-to destination for all things literature!

At Lit With A Sip, we are driven by the inspiring power of literature which is ever-evolving and ubiquitous. We believe in the love towards art and humanity that, even unknowingly, is shared by everyone. From the artists that sing on stage, people who read in their cosy beds, to the roadside vendors who advertise through their folk songs, everybody experiences and practises art. With that thought, our aim is to make people fall in love with literature and then keep falling for it again and again. We intend to deliver the best to anyone and everyone who wishes to connect or stay connected to literature at its best. 

Covering different literary eras, regional literary works, theories, poetries, novels, book reviews and weekly blogs, Lit With A Sip is your daily dose of literature. From classic to contemporary fiction and non-fiction, we constantly strive to provide a diverse range of content that caters to every literary taste.

But more than just a website, we consider ourselves a ‘community’. We encourage active participation from readers, researchers and philosophers around the world, who seek to add value to literature. 

At length, we share our heartfelt gratitude towards you for joining this journey with us. May your enlightenment expand with every scroll and may you find joy through every page.

Happy Reading!

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